Members will refrain from excessive displays of anger.
Inappropriate behaviour or language, sexual innuendo, threatening the safety of yourself or others, will not be tolerated.
Inappropriate behaviour and language will not be tolerated.
Line calls are always called by the receiving team unless solicited.
Kitchen foot faults can be called by either team.”
Unsportsmanlike Behavior Policy
When a club member or non-member of the New Tec Pickleball Club threatens any member, player, officer or official of the Club during any Club activity or inter-community play or any venue that includes members and non-members, then the offender will be subject to disciplinary action.
The unsportsmanlike conduct includes: threatening the safety of themselves or others, abusive language and/or behavior, unnecessarily creating turmoil, disrupting or causing dissension among the members and non- members.
The offender will receive a written statement outlining the infraction(s) and resulting disciplinary action.
The following are recommended disciplinary actions:
First Offense: a written warning from the Board of Directors
Second Offense: suspension of Club privileges, not to exceed 2 weeks
Third Offense: termination or extended suspension from the Club